Become a Member
How to become a PARWA member?
All apartment owners of the Presidia Araya complex are welcome to become members of PARWA.
To become a member, you need to do the following:
- Download and print the membership form provided at the link below.
- Fill up the form and submit the documents with all requisite details and documents provided in the form.
- Pay the annual membership fee of Rs 2500. The bank details are mentioned in the membership form. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque in favour of PARWA.
- Each owner, on being a member, shall be allotted one share of the face value of Rs. 101/- (Rupees One Hundred One only) for which a separate payment would be collected in respect of the each of the dwelling units under his/her ownership. Every apartment owner must hold at least one share of the Association and the Joint owners shall hold the share jointly.
- Email a scanned copy of the signed form along with the required documents to Alternatively, you can drop the filled-up form and the cheque (if applicable) to the Presidia Tower A lobby.

On receipt of all the requisite documents and membership fees, the PARWA Governing Council will review the details and only on completion of all necessary documentation will be awarded PARWA membership. PARWA Governing Council may decline Membership to an individual/owner post citing the reason for refusal in writing to the concerned person.
The membership is subject to termination if the member is working against the aims and objectives of the Association or fails to attend three successive meetings without a written intimation. The membership is also terminated in case of death of the member or if the member resigns.
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